Our Wonderful Sponsors:
- Juneau Yacht Club, which JYS calls home, because they provide JYS priority use of its facilities as classroom space.
- CBJ Docks and Harbors, which hosts our storage containers and seasonal dock at Norway Point.
- CBJ Parks and Recreation and the taxpayers of Juneau via the CBJ Youth Activities Grant ("This program is partially funded by the citizens of the City and Borough of Juneau through sales tax revenues").
- Douglas-Dornan Foundation Fund in honor of Brian Douglas and Wythe Dornan, for providing financial support via The Juneau Community Foundation.
- Broken Rudder, which helps with outboard maintainance and gave a decade of winter boat storage prior to our purchase of storage containers.
- Western Marine Construction, for financial support.
- Marine Exchange of Alaska, for financial support.
- Benito and Frances C. Gaguine Foundation, for providing financial support via The Juneau Community Foundation.
- Territorial Sportsmen, for financial support.
- Juneau/Lynn Canal CHARR, for financial support.
- Hecla Greens Creek, for scholarship support.
- Pacific Coast Congress of Harbormasters and Port Managers, which supports fleet repairs via the Barbara Schwantes Memorial Fund.
- Channel Construction, for financial support.
- PND Engineers, for scholarship support.
- MRV Architects, for printing and production support.
- DreamHost.com, who give us free web-hosting.
- Individuals and families, especially those connected to JYS's founding, who have provided financial support and so much time.
- The people of Alaska through Pick-Click-Give.
- Juneau Physical Therapy -thanks for the truck use!
- Faulkner Banfield for legal advice.
- The Rasmuson Foundation for a pivotal matching grant that helped us buy our large safetyboat in 2008.
- Elgee Rehfeld for tax help.
- Alaska Marine Lines for shipping donations.
- Douglas Island Fire Hall for hotdog fundraiser support.
- The patrons of our Sponsor-a-Sail program.
- The Scuba Tank, for drysuit repair help.
- Under Sea Industrial Apparel, which provided us drysuits at a discount until closing in 2022.
-Thank you all!