
Juneau Youth Sailing is the capital city's volunteer, non-profit youth sailing program (school). We offer 4-day classes in summer for ages 12 to 17, for all experience levels. Classes take place in the Juneau Yacht Club thanks to their kind donation of teaching space to JYS (JYC and JYS are separate organizations). We are also supported by the CBJ Youth Activities Grant, Douglas-Dornan Foundation, and more. Use this website to learn about our program and register for classes.

Full scholarships are available, just ask!

JYS classes take place on the ancestral lands of the Aakʼw Ḵwáan, and on the ancestral waters of the Áak'w Kwáan and T'aaku Kwáan. We learn to set sails in what has been and still is Lingít Aaní. Gunalchéesh.

2025 New Fleet Fund!

JYS is aiming to replace our 30-year-old dinghy fleet this year. We need to do this. It is long overdue and essential to the program's ability to continue. Click here to learn more, see our progress, and donate to this effort. Thanks for keeping the wind in our sails!

2025 Registrations are Open!

-First read Youth Classes at a Glance and the Gear Requirements, then use the Calendar / Registration link on the right to sign up for classes.

Adult Classes, Weekly Race Series, Dinghy Rentals

-Learn more about each of these and why they are not feasible for us, or at least very rarely offered. (Appologies for disappointing!)