- Dress for the weather! This means wool or fleece in lots of layers, even on warm days.
- Always wear long sleeves and long pants. No shorts or Ts, even in this weather.
- We'll provide you with a drysuit. It'll keep seawater out, so with layers you'll be warm, but note that you'll still get damp from perspiration, and they don't protect your feet. If you have your own drysuit you can wear it. Wetsuits are okay if you really want but bear in mind you're going in the water first thing and will be damp the rest of the day.
- Wear shoes that can get wet. Thick wool socks with old tennies are popular, as are neoprene booties. INSULATE YOUR FEET! No sandals. Your feet will get wet, so bring a second pair of shoes and socks for the trip home. A real pro also brings three sets of socks.
- Hats that won't get blown away are a must on most days, and some people like sailing or diving gloves.
- Bring a lifejacket. We have a few loaners, but not enough. Don't bring a self-inflating lifejacket.
- Avoid jewelry, it can get caught on things and rip your drysuit, or you. Best to leave it at home.
- UV protection on sunny days is a must, along with cheap sunglasses. Carl's favorite number is 7.